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The Comm Whakatane Logo
One Double X Black Logo
Easter Egg Hunt Logo
Easter Egg Hunt Key Information

Save the date! Saturday 6th April is The Comm & Radio 1XX Easter Egg Hunt!

This event was very popular last year, so we thought we'd put it on again with the fantastic team at The Comm! 

There will be spot prizes for best dressed, so make sure to come wearing an Easter-themed costume! 

We will have two separate egg hunt areas:

  • One for the younger kids (2 - 5 year olds)

  • One for the older kids (6 - 11 year olds)


We suggest you arrive at the Whakatane Rose Gardens around 10:15 am as we will do a quick briefing and explain how the event works to everyone, then start the action at 10:30 am!

The Comm Logo
One Double X Black Logo
Colouring In Competition

Due date extended due to event postponement

In addition to all the Easter Egg Hunt activities, we're running a colouring in competition! If you want a head start you can download and print the picture below.

Keep in mind we will also be handing out printed copies at the Easter Egg Hunt event.

Bring your finished colouring in picture to the 1XX reception (267 The Strand, Whakatane) before
12pm, 10th April for judging!

1XX Easter Colouring Competition Preview
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