A new Whakaata Māori (Māori Television) poll shows Te Pāti Maori's Rawiri Waititi is set to retain Waiariki, by a significant margin.
Waititi had 50%, Labour's Toni Boynton on 22%, Vision NZ's Charles Hunia at 1%, and 15% were undecided.
37% would party vote Labour, Te Pāti Maori on 29%, Greens at 7%, 6% for National, 4% for New Zealand First, and 3% for ACT.
8% were undecided, and 3% refused to say.
Waititi is popular with 18-to-39-year-old voters with 63% support, compared to Boynton's 23%.
He also picks up 49% of support from 40 to 59-year-olds, while Boynton is at 15%.
But it's closer among voters over 60 - Waititi's support is at 33%, while Boynton is two points back at 31%.
In the Prime Minister stakes - Chris Hipkins is the top choice at 30%, with Waititi close behind at 21%.
National's Christopher Luxon is at 11%, while Winston Peters is at 6%.
The poll was conducted by Curia Market Research and surveyed 500 Waiariki voters via landline, mobile, and online.
It was conducted by landline, mobile, and online, with a ±4.4% margin of error at the 95% confidence level.
Photos: Te Pāti Maori/Labour